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                                    61LA HOYA DE bu%u00f1olBu%u00f1ol,Valencia.20%u20ac.%u20ac20.Castellano.Spanish.Todo el a%u00f1o.All year round.Senderismo y ascensiones a los Picos m%u00e1s altos de la CV y los Las monta%u00f1as valencianas/ Hiking and ascents to the hiGhest peaks of the Valencian Community and the Valencian MOUNTAINS (Siete AGuas and Bu%u00f1ol)Senderismo y Ascensiones a los Picos m%u00e1s altos de nuestro entorno, las monta%u00f1as valencianas. Itinerarios de autor.Incluye: Gu%u00eda titulado de monta%u00f1a, Seguro de responsabilidad civil y Accidentes. Botiqu%u00edn. M%u00ednimo 5 personas. M%u00e1ximo 25 personas.No incluye: Ropa c%u00f3moda acorde con la %u00e9poca del a%u00f1o. Mochila para transportar el material. Comida y agua para pasar la ma%u00f1ana. Botas o zapatillas de monta%u00f1aTurbolentos Expediciones y Aventuras - Tel. 679 465 562 - rangeroscar@gmail.comCertified mountain guide, civil liability and accident insurance.First AID Kit. Minimum 5 people. Maximum 25 people.Included: Certified mountain guide, civil liability and accident insurance. Kit. Minimum 5 people. Maximum 25 people.Not included: Comfortable clothing according to the time of year. Backpack to transport the material. Food and water to get through the morning. Mountain boots or shoes.
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