Page 91 - Demo
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92L%u2019 HORTARutas observaci%u00f3n de aves/Bird Watching RoutesValencia.Todo el a%u00f1o.All year round.Desde 40%u20ac/persona.From %u20ac40/person.Castellano, Valenciano e Ingl%u00e9s.Spanish, Valencian and English.Numenius Tours - Tel. 666 078 893 - - Tours ofrece la posibilidad de descubrir las aves y la biodiversidad de los espacios naturales a trav%u00e9s de rutas con un gu%u00eda ornitol%u00f3gico profesional. Los recorridos se realizan en veh%u00edculo, intercalando paseos a pie, y su objetivo es descubrir, observar, anotar y/o fotografiar el mayor n%u00famero posible de aves de diferentes especies. Nuestro gu%u00eda se encarga de conducir y ayudar a detectar e identificar las aves, aportando a m%u00e1s informaci%u00f3n sobre su comportamiento, caracter%u00edsticas... con la ayuda de prism%u00e1ticos, telescopios y gu%u00edas de aves. Incluido: Transporte, pr%u00e9stamo de prism%u00e1ticos y uso de telescopios y gu%u00edas + seguro RC.No incluido: Comidas, bebidas ni cualquier gasto personal.Numenius Tours offers the opportunity to discover the birds and biodiversity of natural spaces through routes with a professional ornithological guide. The tours are conducted by vehicle, interspersed with walking, and aim to discover, observe, note, and/or photograph as many birds of different species as possible. Our guide takes care of driving and helps to detect and identify birds, providing further information about their behavior, characteristics, etc., with the aid of binoculars, telescopes, and bird guides.Included: Transportation, binoculars loan, use of telescopes and guides + liability insurance.Not included: Meals, drinks, or any personal expenses.