Page 117 - Demo
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118LA SERRAN%u00cdAVisita a la Bodega y Cata + Comida/ Visit to the Winery and Tasting + foodBodegas Vegamar - Tel. 962 781 443 - - www.vegamar.esCalles,Valencia.50%u20ac.%u20ac50.Castellano e Ingl%u00e9s.Spanish and English.Todo el a%u00f1o.All year round.Ad%u00e9ntrate en el pleno coraz%u00f3n del Alto Turia. Visitaremos nuestro vi%u00f1edos. Desde all%u00ed disfrutaremos de las espectaculares vistas del entorno, desde donde se divisan los vi%u00f1edos y olivos. Continuaremos con la bodega donde conocer%u00e9is el lado m%u00e1s familiar de Vegamar, su casa y nuestro bien m%u00e1s preciado, la nave de barricas. Nuestros en%u00f3logos os explicar%u00e1n el proceso por el que pasa nuestro vino. Cataremos nuestros vinos donde aprenderemos a diferenciar sus matices y diferenciar sus singularidades. Y como colof%u00f3n final nos quedaremos a comer un men%u00fa formado por entrantes, paella a le%u00f1a y postre de la casa.Incluye: Presentaci%u00f3n audiovisual, Degustaci%u00f3n de cava/vermut, Visita a los vi%u00f1edos y visita de las instalaciones, cata dirigida por sumiller basada en 2 vinos, regalo de 2 botellas de vino y comida con entrantes, plato principal y postre. Immerse yourself in the heart of Alto Turia. We will visit our vineyards, where you can enjoy spectacular views of the surrounding landscape, with vineyards and olive groves stretching as far as the eye can see. We will then continue to the winery, where you will experience the most personal side of Vegamar, its home, and our greatest treasure, the barrel room. Our winemakers will explain the process that our wine goes through. We will taste our wines, learning to distinguish their nuances and unique characteristics. As the grand finale, we will stay for a meal featuring appetizers, traditional wood-fired paella, and house-made dessert.Included: Audiovisual presentation, cava/vermouth tasting, visit to the vineyards and visit of the facilities, tasting led by sommelier based on 2 wines, gift of 2 bottles of wine and lunch with starters, main course and dessert.